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Show full transcript for ACLS Philosophy video

Before we get into the depth of the ProACLS course, it's important to go over the philosophies of ACLS, which is the subject of this important lesson. And at the end of the lesson, we'll provide you with a Word about the optimization of ACLS.

If you look back 10 or 20 years, ACLS training and certification has changed significantly. Two decades ago, it was more about the technical aspects of acquiring the skills necessary for certification and training.

A couple examples of this:

If you were learning about intubating a patient, you'd be expected to show or prove that you could actually perform this skill on a dummy or mannequin. You'd have to demonstrate the proper use of the techniques involved. And you'd have to show that you could properly use the appropriate tools to get the job done successfully.

If you were learning about starting an IV, you would have been expected to demonstrate that you could actually start an IV on a mannequin.

However, these days, it's important to point out that advanced cardiovascular life support training and certification is NOT about the technical aspect of the job or the skills acquisition part of the job.

Today, ACLS training is more about learning and understanding all the signs and symptoms of emergent cardiovascular problems that require advanced cardiovascular life support care, in order to help stabilize the patient and possibly save a person's life.

Pro Tip #1: So, in a sentence, ACLS training and certification has gone from techniques to greater understanding. Knowing that upfront will serve you well as you progress through your ACLS course.

Having said that, though, it's probably fair to assume that not all of you are as polished when it comes to your advanced cardiovascular life support skills as you need to be, or as you want to be. And yet, the situation may exist for some of you where you could be called upon to assume the team leader role in a cardiovascular emergency one day.

For this reason, we have built this ACLS certification course, or re-certification for some, so that each of you can pretend at some point to assume those all-important team leader responsibilities and that role in general.

In fact, to pass your ProACLS course, you must fulfill the obligations and demonstrate the responsibilities of a team leader. You will be expected to show that you can sufficiently orchestrate and execute a code and perform it as well as can be expected.

However, we also understand that in your particular role and organization, you may never be put into that type of position. But since none of us can predict the future, and since these skills can potentially be vital at some point, we encourage you to receive this education and training in the most serious way.

Our hope and expectation is that you will practice the different scenarios in a way, regardless of the chances of you being put into one of these positions, in which you can say to yourself – if for some reason I'm ever called upon to be a team leader, I'll have the confidence and understanding of not only the cognitive skills, but also the tactile skills. And ultimately be able to make a difference in a patient's life in a positive way.

Which is why we have this challenge for you: If there are any skills that you do not feel comfortable with but maybe one day you'll be called upon to use, take the onus upon yourself. Be the best healthcare professional you can be and seek out the additional education and practice that you need. And sharpen any skills you feel deficient in.

Take advantage of this self-paced ACLS training program. And become the best ACLS provider that you can be. After all, you never know when you'll be called upon to execute those life-saving skills.

A Word About the Optimization of ACLS

CPR is defined as a series of lifesaving actions that can improve the chances of survival after cardiac arrest. And while the optimal approach to CPR can vary, depending on the rescuer, the patient, and whatever resources are available, the fundamental challenge remains how to achieve early and effective CPR.

One way to maximize the effectiveness of CPR, and thus improve patient survival rates, is by limiting chest compression interruptions.

ACLS is best optimized when a team leader can effectively integrate high-quality CPR with minimal interruptions of high-quality compressions with advanced life support strategies, such as defibrillation, medication therapy, and advanced airways.

The importance of minimizing these interruptions in chest compressions cannot be overstated. For instance, studies have shown that reducing the interval between pausing chest compressions and shock delivery can increase the predicted shock success.

Which is why interruptions in compressions should only be limited to those critical interventions, such as interruptions for rhythm analysis, shock delivery, intubation, and so forth. And even then, those interruptions should always be minimized to 10 seconds or less.